The collection

The Museum of Drawings’s collection includes over 22 000 drawings, from the 18th century and onwards, with emphasis on the 20th century. We have drawings from Ritarakademien (the Academy of Drawing) in the 1750s, by Egron Lundgren from the Sepoy Mutiny in 1858, drawings from Halmstadgruppen (The Halmstad Group), Ragnar Sandberg, Cecilia Torudd, Jockum Nordström, Albert Engström and many more. It’s hard to know where to stop…

The foundation “Teckningsmuseet i Laholm”, which is independent of the municipality, is responsible for the museum’s collection. It is also the foundation that owns the collection and lends it for display at the museum. Most drawings are either donated by the artist herself/himself or their relatives. The drawings in the collection are not for sale.

The museum also has a unique collection of art reviews from the provincial press. It is nowadays in a database, making it possible to trace artists that are sometimes difficult to find information about.


To be represented in the museum’s collection you require the approval of Böllerupakademin’s (The Böllerup Academy) donation comittee.

Do you want to donate? Contact the Museum of Drawings and send us pictures and information by e-mail.

“Drawing artists from Halland”

The Museum of Drawings published the book “Drawing artist from Halland” (Halländska tecknare) in 1998.

Halland’s artists

The Museum of Drawings have a rich assortment of works in their archives and between 1998-2000 all the works were categorized into the following groups:

Image Artists and Sculptors (Now living and those archived)
Church Painters
Tapestry and Peasantry Art Work
Group Works
Temporary artists in Halland (Artists who lived in Halland during a period shorter than five years have been included because of either their significance for the artistry of Halland, or because of Halland’s influence on them.)

In the documentation, artists who uses textile as means of expression have been included but not those who work with glas, earthenware, metal or photo.